September 28th, 2021

How to Approach the Conflict Being an Innocent Individual?

(Innocence as an Effective Method in the Resolution of Interpersonal Conflicts)

One of the most interesting features of life is its unpredictability. We are faced with one conflict after another, and our nature begs for solutions that take us away from grief. It turns out that we can't get past the conflict, but we can work to react peacefully.
Here are some special alternatives, and with only one requirement: Keep an open heart.

Let's start with a reminder. The innocent being knows how to recognize his vulnerability, accept it and manifest it. We may feel uncomfortable and fearful in the face of conflict, but I encourage you to take a single courageous step that leads us to act openly. Take the initiative in the discussion with courage, and always bear in mind that, as innocent beings, we must preserve our peace of mind in order to contribute assertively to the conflict.

Let us understand that through innocence we act with compassion. And this is the best response to the emotional suffering of others. By showing compassion, we do not express pain or discomfort. Rather, we comfort the aching heart, drawing empathy with us through benevolent words, gestures, or actions. This is how we submit to the best human experience: The Real Connection. This works especially well in dealing with conflict, as it softens and harmonizes it. Immediately, it opens the doors to dialogue and understanding.

As innocent beings, let us harbor nobility. And this is the perfect tool when identifying the conflict. Let's avoid creating duality and magnifying the situation, or trying to control it. A noble heart actively listens, keeps the objective points, proposes the resolution to the conflict and is not afraid to say: “Does this solution work for you?”, “If it doesn't work, explain why. I will listen to you ”.
Finally, let's reach a consensus that does not favor pride, but rather the heart. May he bring the choice with him. Because being innocent chooses to act with the heart first.



Jimena Yengle is a 19-year-old Peruvian artist. At the age of 19 she published her first book, a romantic novel called "Roma Enamorada" which is available on Amazon.

She is the director of "Roma Enamorada", a space for artistic and literary creation dedicated to open hearts.

She also has an active YouTube channel where she uploads content related to cultural events, interviews, covers and original songs.

She is currently pursuing two professional careers "Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation" and "Psychology." In addition, she is in an Actoral Training school, studying Performing Arts.